Thursday 27 December 2012

Reclaiming Eden

In my previous post I wrote that the means for our coming to healing and wholeness is to confront the reservoir of our past pain, and especially our Father Wound; and then choose to forgive those who have wounded us. This releases us to embrace the reality of our True Self. We are enabled to do this only to the extent that we have experienced the unconditional love of our Father for us. We can only love to the degree that we have received the love of our True Father. We freely pass on what we have freely received. In effect the love of God is being recycled- nothing of it should be lost.

 In a previous post it was mentioned that we have naïve access to our True Self in early childhood before we develop consciousness. In a sense it is like being in the garden in a similar way in which Adam and Eve were. However, at this time we find ourselves in a social situation that we did not choose to be born into. We are forced to deal with the reality we find ourselves in. That experience can vary from being good or bad; or a combination of both. Through the course of our life we have to confront the wounds that we experience during this time and those that follow on afterwards. The key point is that at this time we had no real choice, other than our response to the situation we found ourselves in. As has been shown, when we develop consciousness we leave that garden experience and become gradually alienated from our True Self.

Our True Father loves us into being when we are born and wants us to return the love he has for us. We have been created for relationship with God and our Father wants us to freely choose to love him back. Because at that stage in early childhood we do not as yet have consciousness our True Self lacks the ability to consciously choose to return our Father’s love for us. Our ultimate end when we access our True Self in the second half of life is to consciously choose to return our Father’s love in an unconditional way; in the same way that his love for us is unconditional. As we move into this space in a sense we return to the garden reality that we have been created to experience. In this process we reclaim the reality of Eden. We come full circle; and the effects of the fall from grace are reversed. It is a movement into consciously choosing to live in union with both God and our True Self. As we do this we reclaim our mandate and God-given purpose of manifesting the image of God that we are in a tangible way. This is a graced state of being in the world.

As has been mentioned this state of being is characterized by ‘descent’. It necessitates letting go of our previous autonomy, self-determination, power and control. It requires surrendering to the power and control of the indwelling Holy Spirit. There is a movement towards embracing and being comfortable with powerlessness. At the same time there is identification with the Apostle Paul when he said: “When I am weak, then I am strong!” Spiritual reality is always about mystery and paradox. To the degree we surrender our power and control to the Lord, it enables the Holy Spirit to empower and direct us. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is then able to work in and through us in ways that we can never even conceive of.

Our call is to live as a co-worker with Jesus. He told his disciples before he ascended to his Father that they must continue the work that he began; and that he modelled for them. He said that after he left them he would send the Holy Spirit to enable them to do this. He said that they would do the same works that he did and even greater works. I believe that in his incarnated body he was bound by time and space. His many followers would have a multiplying effect of exponentially increasing his ministry. They were to be co-workers with him- and be his hands, feet and heart in the world. We too are called to carry on his ministry today as co-workers with him. This becomes more likely and possible as we let go of our False self and embrace our True Self. As we do this we let go of our own agendas; and stop trying to make ourselves look good. It is ultimately not about us. We need to surrender our small agenda to the ‘Big Agenda’. A significant part of embracing our True Self is moving towards discovering our unique individual purpose, and how it fits in with the ‘Big Purpose’.

I believe that our True Self is the place from where our true giftedness flows. Our enemy knows this and that is why he uses our earthly father to wound us here. He wants to prevent us from exercising our true giftedness. We can never express the fullness of our giftedness as long as we are trapped in the reality of our False Self. The gifts that we hold onto in the first half of life; and believe express who we are; are not our true gifts. They are a pale shadow of that which is hidden deep within us. The death of our False Self is excruciating; but it leads to the resurrection reality of revealing the wonder of our hidden giftedness. This is our true glory. This is an experience of what Jesus came to reveal to us- fullness of life. As we reveal our true glory we reveal the glory of God. One of my all-time favourite quotes came from Irenaeus, writing at the end of the 2nd C:

“The glory of God is people fully alive!”

Questions for reflection:

*Have you experienced the reality of reclaiming Eden?

* Have you discovered and embraced your true giftedness?

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