Thursday 31 January 2013

Tree Life as Metaphor for Christian Spirituality

Sorry!! Last week, for the first time since beginning this blog, I did not post anything. The reason for that was for the last two years I have been working on a book about my spiritual journey, and I was tied up doing a final edit before sending it out to potential publishers. I was ‘in the zone’ and did not want to shift my focus. I hope and trust that in due course the manuscript will be published.

In the next few posts I will look at how tree life is a metaphor for Christian spirituality. It is said of metaphors that they both reveal but also conceal. If I conform to the metaphor too rigidly it can obscure certain important realities; so I will hold it lightly.

When Jesus began his public ministry he identified with the beginning part of Isaiah 61 as being an expression of his earthly ministry (Luke 4:14-21). It begins with, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor.” It carries on describing what this ministry to the people he came to would look like, and in v 3 it articulates the result of his ministry: “For the Lord has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.” This is a profound image of what Christian spirituality is about- displaying the Image of God we are created to be, to the glory of God.

With regard to this image we can look at the difference between on the one hand theology, doctrine and what generally happens in church; and on the other the pursuit of spirituality. The first has to do with formulating right belief and right behaviour and how that is lived out. There is a focus on evangelism; practising religious rituals; living according to a moral code; worshiping and serving God; and developing faith in God. It can be likened to forestry- the planting of new trees; encouraging their development and growth; facilitating them bearing fruit; and orderly forest management.  It has to do with what is outwardly manifested and therefore manageable. It is visible and tangible. In contrast spirituality focusses on what is invisible- the inner reality that each of us has to deal with. It works with that which is hidden deep within us, at the core of our being.

Looking at a single tree from the first perspective given above it has to do with the outward appearance of the tree and what is clearly visible- its form, size, health and fruitfulness. One sees the trunk, branches, leaves and fruit. The life of the tree is assessed and judged on these attributes. On the other hand spirituality focusses on the hidden, invisible aspects of the tree. It strips away the bark to reveal the timber which gives the tree its unique character. Every type of timber has its own characteristics; and each tree has a unique manifestation of these characteristics.

Christian spirituality addresses how each tree has been formed. Its formation has been influenced by many different factors such as the type of soil it has grown in; the amount of water it has received; the prevailing climate the tree is in etc. The health and wellbeing of the tree is impacted upon by these factors. Spirituality works towards rectifying unhealthy influences that have negatively impacted upon the ability of the tree to display the true character it was meant to, to the glory of its creator.

Questions for reflection:

*What type of tree are you?

*How are you manifesting the image of God within you?

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